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Water infused with Reiki

22 Oct 2020 21:18 | General | 1671 Views
Water infused with Reiki

Water has an important role in maintaining health, vitality, well-being. We have all noticed that our energy is low when we are thirsty.

Dr. Masaru Emoto stated that human consciousness, emotional energies and vibrations have an effect on the molecular structure of water. He observed that water exposed to positive thoughts and prayers produces beautiful crystalline structures when frozen.

Water can absorb your intention and can also be impregnated with Reiki. As scientists believe that drinking water and brain functions are correlated, it is better to drink water treated with Reiki. Many practitioners have experienced remarkable results with Reiki-treated water.

-I will share with you a way to create water impregnated with Reiki:

- It begins with the prayer to be helped by the All-Creator in the work.
- Express your gratitude for Reiki and water.

Draw the power symbol on each of the palm chakras and say "Purify!" three times as you move your hand clockwise. We draw all the symbols.
Draw Symbol 2 in green and Symbol 3 in purple to connect with the divine energies and Symbol 4 (for Advanced or Master Reiki practitioners).

Draw the power symbol on each of the palm chakras again and say in your mind, "Load up!" three times as you move your hand clockwise.

Now that our hands are infused with divine symbols, we are ready to make water impregnated with Reiki. The whole process is divided into three parts: purification, loading and empowerment - programming.

Take any drinking water / mineral water in a glass container - purify the water with the Power symbol and view the bright red symbol on the water bowl or on the water itself and say "Purify yourself" three times while move your hand counterclockwise.

Draw another symbol of power and charge the water by saying "Charge!" Three times as you move your hand clockwise.

Make symbol 2 and display it in green. Now we have to put our intention in the water and then empower it. The intention depends on the purpose of the water.

Hold the water with both hands and set your intention by repeating positive words or thoughts and the best possible result as needed, a few minutes while giving Reiki water. You can also use statements.

Let Reiki run for a few minutes. Charge the water again and potentiate it with the power symbol - now the Reiki water is ready.
Seal and protect the seat with the power symbol.

Reiki water can be used for many purposes:
- For general use healing / family / relationship - appointments are used accordingly.
- To cure tired eyes, infuse the water with the symbol 2 in green.
- In flower pots
- Fountain
- Sprayed in chambers to remove negativity.
- Can be used wherever you use normal water.
- The child can be given a drink during the exams with wonderful results.
Try it and see the amazing results!

Always give gratitude to the source of Reiki then simply be the purest channel for the universal loving energy of the life force - you will notice the difference.

Wisdom, love and light! Increase in all the best!



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