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22 Jun 2021 11:07 | General | 1398 Views

The sages knew that this period would be a difficult test for humanity. The current plandemia is part of this test. However, would this plandemic be so challenging if we were not already so unhealthy? There are too many unhealthy and sick people from the toxic water they drink, from the fast foods they consume, from the harmful relationships they have and from the level of stress they are exposed to every day!
Today, in the West, we know thousands of different diseases and probably the same number of drugs. The wise see only one: separation from mother nature. They are talking about one remedy - reconnection. Reconnecting to the way we relate to ourselves, our body, our pain, and our journey on this earth.
I invite you to make the most of this situation and embrace the opportunities that are here right now. Do not sit and wait for an injection. Don't wait and wait for a miracle. Take this situation as an opportunity and learn to be responsible for your own health. The path to excellent health begins with detoxifying the body, mind, emotions and energy field.
Today, more than ever, we need the right tools to create the health we need to master the next step in human evolution. The ancient masters prepared these instruments for us. These are not instruments for measurement and quantification, such as rulers or microscopes. The most important tools of the Masters are informational energetics.
Despite the fact that they do not have a physical shape that you can hold in your hands or see with your physical eyes; these tools are extremely clear and effective. In fact, they have been used by ancient Masters for thousands of years.
Reiki classes give us the secret tools we need today to create health and peace in our world. Throughout my years of study and practice with Masters, I was initiated into these sacred techniques that the sages mastered millennia ago.
Find out about the secret power of results-confirmed techniques and procedures, and why we need them NOW!
The sages knew that toxic emotions are stored in the ancient part of the brain - the reptilian brain that fools us with: anxiety, fear, low self-esteem and the state of struggle or flight, causing enormous suffering in Western societies.
The most powerful way to transform is through the time-tested techniques and procedures of the ancient Masters. It helps you work with your higher brain that encourages communion, creativity and dreams. You will get the big picture of the purpose of your life when you enter that sacred space of the deep experience of your humanity, of Divine love.
And we all know the healing power of Divine love and light.
One of the reasons I am so passionate about these sacred instruments is that you do not need any special gift or talent to learn them. The history of Reiki shows us that it does not require a gift, but a technique and a clear curriculum.
These tools passed down from Master to Master from ancient times can be learned by anyone who embarks on this journey. I look forward to introducing you to the tools offered by Reiki classes, so that even in the most turbulent times your path is stable, clear and secure.
I look forward to you joining!




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