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22 Mar 2021 19:37 | General | 2811 Views

Generally speaking, the treatment phase of the professional Reiki session begins with the energetic or byosen scan and takes place after the discussion before the session, when the client is comfortably seated on the Reiki table. Many Reiki practitioners recognize Byosen ("the place of blockage" or "place of disease") as a Japanese Reiki technique that identifies the areas most in need of healing and provides an energy information base for the practitioner as he or she performs the treatment. It also creates a healing energy field in the energy body, improving the flow of Reiki throughout treatment. The value of a conscious scan cannot be underestimated; it provides a lot of information about the energy frequency of the recipient in both the physical and the subtle body. A thorough scan at the beginning, performed at intervals throughout the treatment, informs the therapist about the beneficiary's response to the healing energy of Reiki as the treatment progresses and is a very effective tool.

I first learned about byosen and its importance in a Reiki treatment, during my (first) level 1 class, many years ago. Our Reiki teacher emphasized the value of this technique and strongly encouraged its use in all Reiki sessions. I followed the advice and incorporated byosen into all my Reiki sessions since then. Over the years, Reiki has guided me to use byosen, helping to refine it for optimal benefits. His guidance is constantly evolving, and so far Reiki has helped me develop a strongly focused intention for scanning, resulting in an increased perception of the individual's energy field and areas that need treatment the most.
Learning the byosen scanning procedure is relatively easy and simple. However, it is a technique that requires practice and patience; they allow the practitioner to become more and more perceptive over time about the energy emitted by the individual. With practice and patience, the practitioner becomes able to identify the blockages in the physical and subtle bodies, as well as to recognize the response of these bodies to Reiki. As a result, learning and practicing byosen scanning truly becomes a necessary component of a complete Reiki session.

Byosen scan

To perform a byosen scan, the practitioner assumes the position of Gassho and silently establishes an intention for the deep healing and blessing of the recipient. Reiki symbols can also be activated and "the helpers of Divine light and love who need, want and can participate according to the Divine good" can be invited. While sitting next to the patient, who is sitting comfortably on the Reiki table and maintaining a relaxed but focused intention, the practitioner places one or both hands a few inches above the patient's crown chakra. As Reiki flows, the hand moves slowly over the face, neck, shoulders down the body. Throughout the scan, the practitioner's hand is held a few inches above the fitness and moved slowly and concentrated in a relaxed state, down the center and from side to side. The practitioner continues this to the feet, remaining at the same time focused and aware of those areas that emit a difference, a change or a change in frequency.

These changes can be felt as: coolness, heat, tingling, pressure or sensation of magnetic flux, to name the most common. However, the purpose of byosen scanning is to locate areas where the practitioner notes a "change" in the normal state. Maintaining focused attention during scanning is essential, especially if the practitioner is a beginner in byosen scanning. The focus of attention accentuates the practitioner's perception and allows the transmission of energy information more efficiently.
When areas of byosen have been observed, the practitioner can check the recipient's subtle body (aura) in the affected areas by performing another scan at approximately 30 cm or more above the physical body. To do this, the practitioner slowly raises and lowers the non-dominant hand or both to determine the location of the problem in the subtle body, remaining again focused on a change or difference in perceived energy.
Once the places of byosen are established, the practitioner channels Reiki to the affected areas until a change in energy is detected, indicating the presence of healing. Usually, the practitioner will not find more than two or three places they need; however, there may be many more in some extreme cases. So, it is up to the practitioner to stay open to any passing energy information and to be careful to avoid distraction during the byosen scan.
In practice after the initial byosen scan is completed, the scan can be continued at intervals throughout the Reiki treatment, which provides excellent energy feedback on the beneficiary's healing response to energy. The guidance I received during the Reiki sessions led me to perform several scans and this was a huge benefit for my clients. At the end of treatment, I perform a final scan to see if there are still areas that need healing. In my experience, a thorough and intentional Reiki treatment will address most, if not all, corrections needed at that time. However, it is always better to be safe, and a final byosen scan will reveal any locations that require additional Reiki.

Byosen levels

A lesser known facet of byosen scanning is that it presents itself to the practitioner as different detectable levels; these levels are indicators of the degree of byosen present in physical and subtle bodies. Recognizing these levels during a Reiki treatment is a beneficial source of information.
These are presented here in order of increasing intensity. Most practitioners are familiar with the sensations, but may not be aware of their significance during treatment.

  • Heat (the first level of sensation intensity) - The heat level is higher than normal during a Reiki treatment. This level indicates a certain accumulation of toxins.
  • Strong heat (second level) - The heat experienced by the practitioner may become uncomfortable and the palms may begin to sweat. This indicates a higher concentration of toxins.
  • Tingling (third level) - This can be experienced as a “needle” sensation or a buzzing sensation in the hands. It can also manifest as numbness or a "pull" sensation. This level indicates a more severe level of toxic accumulation.
  • Throbbing, cold (fourth level) - The practitioner may experience this level as a throbbing sensation in the hands, which may also become uncomfortable. The manifestation of the cold, as well as the strong pulsations, indicate that the affected part contains a substantial accumulation of toxic energy, probably due to an infection or an unresolved problem for a long time.
  • Pain (fifth level) - This refers to the pain felt in the hands and sometimes in other areas of the practitioner. The pain may be limited to the fingertips or fingers. However, it can also occur in the whole hand, wrist and arm up to the shoulder. This is, of course, the most severe level of byosen. When the practitioner feels pain, it is necessary to maintain the position of the hand and channel Reiki until the pain disappears, which indicates a decrease in byosen. The presence of pain is an energy signal and does not pose a threat to the practitioner's health. However, if this sensation occurs, you can shake your hands two or three times. In my practice, I have experienced the sensation of pain sometimes during a treatment and I am always grateful for this unmistakable signal.

The ability to detect, recognize and identify byosen in others and its levels is a great benefit for the practitioner and the people served. There is a lot to learn about the value of bios in a Reiki session; its scope goes far beyond the scope of this article.
In conclusion, byosen scanning plays a key role in the practice of Reiki and every Reiki practitioner needs to become experienced and familiar with this remarkable tool.

Its ability to transmit energy information throughout treatment is truly a gift. And, although we know that, in its infinite wisdom, Reiki offers the most necessary healing to every individual, the presence of a perceptive and knowledgeable practitioner creates a harmonious healing concert for the optimal benefit of the recipient.

Over time, this practice can lead to the emergence of so-called "paranormal" perceptions, clear senses, etc.

Increase in practice. If you want you can share your experiences by commenting, or you can ask questions!




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