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12 Apr 2021 15:28 | General | 1869 Views

The whole creator is light. Spiritual light cannot be created or destroyed, no matter how much you divide it, you cannot affect its essence. The entire Divine creation, starting with stones, plants, insects, birds, animals, humans and any other existence, is created from light, more or less condensed, which obeys the Divine laws. Thus we are the Light of the true Light!

Frontier sciences, such as quantum physics, have found that the structure of objects and more, is affected, reconfigured according to expectations, the content of thought (conscious and unconscious) of the observer.

This is the great secret of existence! In order to have a fulfilled life, it is necessary to educate thoughts, so that they become more and more positive, constructive. Thus we will create in our lives what we want to have, to really live.

When in life you meet an experience you do not want, illness, unhappiness, etc. it is important to know techniques, procedures, practices that will help you to create another experience in the shortest possible time: health, joy, understanding, creativity.

The reality is that whether you believe it or not, you have the opportunity to become a conscious creator of your life, your reality, because you have been unconscious until now. And if you know and if you do not know, through the thoughts, the beliefs you have formed, accepted so far about life, you have contributed to attracting events, people, experiences both pleasant and unpleasant.

That's what the Spiritual Teachers did! They came to remind us, from time to time, about the creative power of the human mind, because it seems that we constantly manage to forget about it.

The conscious action of the human mind on spiritual light, the essential brick of creation, can change, under certain conditions, reality in the sense and direction we want if it obeys the Divine laws.
This is, in fact, all the spiritual disciplines, even if the tools developed by each are different. Everyone has to experiment to find the ones that are most useful to them at different times in life. In some stages of life some are more useful, in others they may be a combination of the above or something totally different.

No matter how much you study, listen to perfect speakers, amazing masters, special guides, there comes a time when you realize that in fact, your soul wants to directly experience those concepts and you will need to live those experiences consciously, assumed to master your life and to be able to consciously decide how to go about it.

After studying for five years, reading to find out what the great masters say about life, the time came when I received the message:

“To find out the truth you will have to experience, what results,
that is the truth of your soul and you can only find out by practicing ”.


Since then I have been doing this, I invite you, dear reader, to step on your path, experimenting to find out the truth of your soul.

Faith in the All-Creator and developing your direct connection with Him is all you need to be led on the best path for you!



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