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The 3 step Prayer of Forgiveness

18 Feb 2021 10:09 | General | 2554 Views
The 3 step Prayer of Forgiveness

This is the first thing I recommend to students or patients when they ask me for advice about relationships!

Since 1998, when I learned of this prayer, many cases have been miraculously resolved, even when it seemed impossible.


  1. - I… .. I forgive…. for all that they have done to me, all the evil that they have done to me, now and ever.
  2. - I…. I ask…. to forgive me for everything I did wrong to them, I hurt them now or in the past.
  3. - God, All-Creator, help us to forgive and forgive!


It is effective in solving any relationship problem, both with people alive or past "beyond" and with other "entities" such as money, prosperity, happiness.

Maybe sometime in this existence or in another we did something wrong, or we took from the family limiting beliefs without realizing it and thus we created blockages.

It is good not to say it so that those included in the prayer can hear it. It addresses their souls.

If you tell them by addressing their mind, you may not get the expected result, because the mind is limited, the ego intervenes.

Reiki practitioners can increase the effectiveness of prayer with transmissions for: "Healing the relationship, relationships" according to the Divine Good!

Use this knowledge, it will be useful to you.

You can share your results on this page to help others who are more distrustful!





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