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Reiki practice and spiritual evolution (1)

06 Nov 2020 17:47 | General | 1139 Views
Reiki practice and spiritual evolution (1)

Edgar Cayce - Universal Laws

The disease comes from the violation of universal laws!

Thus, the cure for any condition will come naturally. "Spirituality, mental activity and the physical body form a whole, although they can be separated and function separately and even to the detriment of the other party.

Get them to cooperate, bring them together in their program and so you will have more energy in your activities, ”said Cayce. He also stated that any disease comes from the violation of universal laws.

"The disease occurs as a result of the violation of the universal law (whether this violation was committed physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually), is the result of errors manifested on Earth… because the violation of the law is nothing but turning against Truth and Light, thus affecting the physical body .

For the body is the Temple of the Living God… Violation of the law brings trouble, sadness, disease on Earth… No one can hate his neighbor without suffering from stomach or liver! No one can be jealous and nervous without having digestive and heart problems!

Hate and jealousy come from fear. Almost all the evils of humanity spring from fear: fear of self, fear of what others think of us, fear of the image others have made of us, and so on. Overcoming fear means filling our mental and spiritual being with what drives away fear, that is, faith in the love manifested in the world through the One who gave Himself to our redemption.

Love, faith, understanding of these laws drive away fear. Anger is a poison for the whole body… Resentment produces in the body those secretions that prevent the proper functioning of various systems (circulatory, digestive, respiratory, etc.). It is necessary to purify our body and stop the secretion of poisons that disrupt the body, making it sick.

Each atom is a micro universe. It acts in an orderly energy system in the body, but can create breakdown energies through the toxins it produces. They must be eliminated from the body through various systems (respiratory, circulatory, digestive, etc.).

Spiritual and physical purification postpones the aging process. Maintaining the balance between assimilation and elimination can prolong life unsuspectedly for a long time.

Reiki practice and / or therapy can bring balance, healing and harmony on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual!



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