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Reiki for joy and well-being

18 Oct 2020 21:16 | General | 1011 Views
Reiki for joy and well-being

Today we allow ourselves to explore the source of lasting joy. Millions of Reiki practitioners have accessed this kind of joy during Reiki sessions. It is clear that we are finally looking for joy, well-being in all our endeavors. But where to find this joy?

Does it come from meeting goals? Under what conditions can we experience it? Depending on what?

People of all ages have asked themselves these questions. It is seen when people come with their set of problems in search of solutions through Reiki.

In life we ​​work to fulfill our desires, goals, dreams and ambitions and experience joy when we reach our goals. This is conditioned and experienced when external goals are achieved.

There is another kind of joy that comes from within. It is unconditional, without cause and is available to us all the time. Mankind must learn to access this inner joy more often.

Where is the happiness?

All our lives we continue to reach different goals, we experience temporary joy when a goal is reached and then we start running after something else.

Many people do not realize that we can experience joy and well-being on a daily basis. Who set the condition so that we can experience joy only when we accomplish something?

Among the last words of Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, "I realize that all the recognition and wealth I was proud of, have faded and become meaningless in the face of death."

People who do not access the inner joy every day feel that everything was worthless at the end of life. Lasting joy is not found outside. Joy always escapes them because they never look inside. And unconditional joy lives inside.

Joy is here and now!

We can learn from other people's experience that there is no point in running after goals and thinking that achieving them alone will make us happy.

When you sit with your eyes closed, meditating in silence or doing your self-treatment through Reiki, you can access that source of eternal and endless joy.

Can happiness be bought?

Imagine you are a prince or princess. Don't you have to make an effort to accomplish something? No, because what all that money can buy is already within your reach. Some people are born into families where they have all the riches in the world. They already have a lot of money. I can buy anything, I can go anywhere and I can do anything.

For a prince or a princess, it is very easy to realize that money and all the things that money can buy do not necessarily bring happiness. Buddha Gautama was a prince. He had everything you could imagine and so it was easy for him to realize that happiness is not derived from outside.

But for many who are not born rich, it is natural to believe that riches will bring happiness. It is an illusion difficult to understand. Like Steve Jobs, many people realize when it's too late.

Can happiness be learned?

It is not easy for most people to understand this. Most people work hard to achieve all these goals and want to be happy. Smart people can learn from other people's experiences and realize that joy is inside.

Every day, for a while, stop running. Look inside for a state of joy. This joy is without reason, because it is your nature. You will accomplish this as you do this work.

As you reach this state after a while, your mind will remain motionless. In that peace of your mind you will access pure consciousness and true joy. True joy is without cause, unlimited and eternal.

This inner joy has nothing to do with your goals and desires. This joy is your real nature. Inner joy does not derive from pursuing goals, desires, and ambitions.

The joy is inside!

To find it, you have to stop running and look inside. Sometimes your mind will scold you. How is this possible? Keep in mind that there is no logic in this and you can only discover the truth when you experience the condition.

We seek joy in 10 different directions. But it is in the 11th direction, that is, inward!

Basically, I have been teaching Reiki since 2001. The practice of Reiki allows us to stop the mind from oscillating from the past into the future and to be in the present. While practicing Reiki, your mind stops naturally and you are aware of the energy of the Source flowing through you. Once the mind stops, you have reached your destination.

It is difficult, even impossible to transmit the peaks of this joy! But the souls of those who feel called to walk this path know that through the practice of Reiki they can live unconditional and profound joy!

Good luck everyone!



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