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02 Feb 2021 15:49 | General | 1659 Views

Reiki Box Technique (Reiki Box)

Reiki is a relaxing and safe way to infuse positive and calm energies into all aspects of life. It is usually discussed how to create your own Reiki box and energize it for various materializations in the second degree Reiki course.

The effect of the Reiki box is important to many Reiki practitioners and has been shown to make life more productive, happier and healthier.

Students who have practiced regularly report many benefits when offering Reiki to personal goals. Now we will go further and see how the Reiki box technique can bring miraculous results in our lives.

You can truly enjoy the process of creating your own Reiki box and using it to heal the various situations in your life. The Reiki box uses an extremely simple technique in the Usui system of natural healing. It is indeed considered to be one of the best practices in Reiki to bring more harmony and peace.


How to create a Reiki box?

Any box can become a Reiki box. The easiest to make and use is from an envelope of letters. What differentiates a Reiki box is the purpose for which we use it. We usually use the Reiki box to fulfill our dreams, goals, and desires.
The next step is to write down your goals on a piece of paper and put it in the Reiki box. It is good to be clear and determined about what you want. A Reiki box is a place where you can send Reiki to improve things and situations in life. Even family members can write down their goals and put the goals in the Reiki box, even if they have not yet learned Reiki, but they agree with Reiki.


How to send Reiki to materialize the goals in the Reiki box?

Now that you have everything ready in the Reiki box, it's time to load it with the power of Reiki.
All you have to do is put your hands on the Reiki box and let the positive Reiki energy flow, ask for the positive energy, as you usually do.
Let the energy be infused into the box naturally and let it flow where it is needed and into the Divine Good to materialize the goals in it. You can do this while doing your self-treatment!
Just be positive, clarify your thoughts and let the magical wonders of Reiki flow.
Empower Reiki Box with Reiki and the rest will happen by itself.

The basic idea of ​​the Reiki box method is to use the positive Reiki energies to achieve all the goals in your life. There are many things that a Reiki box, also known as a Reiki manifest box, can contain, such as your thanks and prayers, photos you want to send Reiki, goals and aspirations, healing and optimization for work, or your business, healing relationships, performance, productivity and more. Basically, whatever you think.

You can use the simply amazing Reiki box to achieve success in different aspects of your life:

  • Get peace of mind
  • Find a better job
  • You feel better at work
  • Increase your intuition
  • Be more productive
  • To gain strength
  • Quit smoking
  • Stay healthy
  • A new house
  • Pass the exam
  • Improve relationships
  • Healing statements for someone
  • Etc.

The Reiki box is your own gateway to happiness, growth and fulfillment in life. The more you use it, the better. While doing remote healing, it makes a big difference when you create a Reiki remote healing box to gather the positive powers of Reiki.

The method of the Reiki box is present in different forms, in many cultures and traditions. You can load the Reiki box as you see fit, in the best mood and time available.

Once you have energized the current set of intentions in the box, you can continue to add new things to the Reiki box of intentions. Every day you add even more positive energy to your intentions.

I like to write "Thank you Reiki" and keep the notes written after I have managed to achieve the goals written on them. In this way, you do newer and better things to get into your life faster and spread happiness around you.

The Reiki box method is an easy technique for fulfilling desires and manifesting goals. For this reason, the Reiki wish box is widely used for many purposes, including remote healing.



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