Evolution Means Change!
All endings are a passage to the next beginning. There is a story about a hiker who comes across a man at the foot of a mountain. The man has a wooden raft tied on his back. The hiker asks him why he is carrying a raft, because there are no rivers or lakes on that mountain, and the man replies that the raft saved his life once he was at sea.
Cork represents all the beliefs and abilities that have served us at some point in our lives, but have now turned into the burdens we carry on our backs. Our indecision to give up what is no longer useful to us in the stage we are in.
It takes courage to leave behind old and familiar parts of our lives, especially when we are unsure of what might happen if we replace them.
But once we understand that all change, like death, is just a transition to another form of life, then change ceases to be so frightening.
We can console ourselves by knowing that we will be resurrected, even if we have no idea what our new existence will be like.
Like the grain of wheat that contains the seeds of future crops, we have in us the "seeds" of our future life. Awareness of this allows us to eliminate the fear of death and change that haunts humanity.
When a monk enters a monastery, his street clothes are changed to a simple coat and given a new name. Undressed by identity, the initiate is free to discover who he becomes. As part of your own initiations, you too will have to give up the outer clothes of the one you were.
This does not mean that you have to change your clothes or name, but simply that you agree to know yourself beyond the facade and relax the mask you took in the morning. Then, and only then, can you discover who is behind the eyes that are looking at you when you look in the mirror.
Once we experience the feelings that arise when we realize that one aspect of our life is ending, we can find a certain perfection in our lives right now and see it as the clay of creation. What possibilities are in that clay ball? As you stir and shape your new beginning, be full of peace, love, and hope!
Your friends and family of spirit wish you all the blessings of the Divine spirit!