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09 Mar 2021 22:02 | General | 7650 Views

There are in the human energy anatomy the so-called channels that transport energy in the body, channels on which acupuncturists and acupressors work. These channels have been accepted by scientists since 1973 when they were highlighted by injecting radioactive isotopes, a discovery made by a researcher of Japanese origin.

Seeking to highlight these energy channels, known in traditional Chinese medicine as early as 6000 years ago, radioactive isotopes were injected into the subjects; In this experiment it was found in the laboratory photograph that the isotopes spread in the body exactly along these known energy pathways. Once this was discovered, contemporary medicine accepted it and there is now a specialization as an acupuncturist.

Sometimes these channels are blocked and the flow of energy is partially or completely stopped. When a total blockage occurs, the problem is serious, the functioning of an organ can be disturbed or even stopped, a tumor can appear. When it is partial, larger or smaller malfunctions appear. In the energetic bodies of man (which surrounds the physical body) energetic informational "cysts" can appear, or energetic informational "holes" that in time lead physically to cysts or tumors, respectively ulcerations.

Also part of the energy anatomy are the chakras, energy centers or vortices, points through which fresh energy enters the body from the universe, and spent energy comes out. And the chakras can be blocked, they have several spokes through which they receive energy and distribute it in the body, on areas, organs and cells.


What can be the causes of these blockages?

The general causes could be from the physical ones: a physical accident, an inadequate diet, emotional problems: anger, anger, sadness, negative feelings and even a positive feeling if it is lived excessively intensely compared to what the body can carry, may cause a blockage. There may also be warnings from the soul that we are not learning a certain life lesson correctly.

Mental problems: malice, envy, jealousy and others we know can cause this. The transfer of harmful energy from another person, from a place, or from a plant incompatible with that person can cause an energy block. Certain aspects of the positioning of the stars in relation to the place where the person is at a certain time. Another cause could be the attacks with psychotronic weapons that the great powers use for manipulation or attack. There are many causes, here are some of the most common.

In these situations, the practice of Reiki, both self-treatment and meditations and other exercises are very useful because of the ease with which they can be applied and the proven effectiveness in the lives of millions of practitioners around the world. The year 2022 marks one hundred years since the practice of Reiki was rediscovered and given back to people to get to know each other better both spiritually and energetically and informally as well as to help them have a fulfilled life!



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